Modern Slavery Statement
Founded in 1984 Flair Flooring Supplies Ltd is a family-owned business based in Derbyshire. We operate both in the UK and Internationally, designing, sourcing, and selling Rugs via our own Brand and UK Retail. We employ a Team of 148 across our UK Head Office and Distribution Sites and 9 in our India Sourcing Office.
The Executive Team, led by our CEO, set the strategic direction for the business Responsible Sourcing and Ethical Trading Programme.Our CSR Team is accountable for implementation of the Strategy and its associated Policies. Key Senior Mangers across the business support the Team in delivering the Ethical Trading Programme.
Trading Ethically and acting responsibly is a fundamental cornerstone of our business. Respect for human Rights is integral to how we operate. We are committed to respect Labour rights in the activities of our supply chain. Violation of these Rights is unacceptable. Our approach is to implement United Nations Guiding Principles on Business & Human rights (UNGPs). This will influence the work we do on all aspects of our Supply Chain. We will be able to recognise and manage risk that is associated with unsatisfactory working conditions, discrimination, modern day slavery, forced or bonded labour and human trafficking.
Flair sources it’s products from 24 suppliers across 31 Factories in 7 Countries including India, China, Turkey & the EU.
We want our products to be made by workers who are treated fairly and whose safety, human rights and wellbeing are respected. To support this, we have aligned our Ethical Code of Conduct with the ETI Base Code. This forms the basis of our Ethical Trading Programme and sets out the minimum standards and requirements for our Suppliers. All Suppliers involved in the manufacture of our goods are required to comply with our Code of Conduct and meet minimum standards.
Implementation of and Compliance with our code of conduct is measured through our Auditing Standards. These provide detailed information against each section of our code to help Suppliers fulfil their obligations to their workers. We will work with our Suppliers to address and resolve any issues identified in our Supply Chain to continually raise our Standards. All Suppliers have access to our online Portal where all the information to support our Ethical Trading programme is available.
Our Strategy is built on investing in both existing and new Suppliers to induct, support and train, enabling standards to be raised where necessary. Initially all Suppliers are required to complete a Self-assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) the results of which inform of any immediate follow up actions to be taken. The SAQ is an important tool to assist us in gaining Supply Chain Transparency and identify areas of Salient Risk relating to Slavery, Human Trafficking & Human Right Issues. This will be updated and reviewed on an annual basis.
Visibility of our Supply Chain is a priority for Flair. Suppliers are required to declare to us all Sites involved in the manufacturing of our products.
All Tier 1 Sites are subject to 3rd Party independent audit. We will introduce an internal audit programme of Tier 2 Sites to gain further insights into our Supply Chain.
It is important that we also minimise the risk of modern slavery among the colleagues we employ directly. Although perceived as low risk, we carry out pre-employment checks during our recruitment process to ensure all our legal obligaƟons are met. We have adopted a scoring system for our recruitment partners to ensure all necessary checks are completed on Temporary workers.
We recognise the importance of Modern Slavery awareness across our business and wider Supply Chain. Providing regular appropriate training to our employees and Suppliers is a key focus for Flair. This supports them to recognise potential cases both in work and the wider community.
We have adopted a Whistle Blowing programme allowing concerns to be reported confidentially.
The information given is the most up to date at the time of publishing.
ETI Base Code against which our Ethical Code of Conduct is aligned.
- Employment is freely chosen.
- Freedom of association & the right to collective bargaining are respected.
- Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
- Child labour shall not be used.
- Living wages shall be paid.
- Working hours are not excessive.
- No discrimination is practiced.
- Regular employment is provided.
- No harsh or humane treatment is allowed.